Thu. Sep 19th, 2024



We started this website to let the Public know what the VA was doing to Veterans that is causing the number of Veteran Suicides to increase. VA is the only Federal Department mandated to help Veterans after they depart the military service. The only other branches of the government with any responsibilities at all are Congress and the Executive Branch.  All clearly have ignored the Veteran as best they can. In true government fashion, everybody claims to support Veterans until something actually needs to be done, then the denials and finger pointing begin. In addition to the normal abuses, on Oct. 26, 2020, just one week before the presidential election, when nobody would be watching a small VA Medical Center in the far northwest corner of the country, VA deployed an untested medical EHR computer system. The software was the result of a no-bid $10 billion, 10 year contract quietly signed in a back room deal with Cerner. 1 1/2 years later, Oracle bought Cerner to become Oracle Cerner. The details will be discussed on the VA webpages inside.

In addition, it has become extremely obvious that the root of the problem is our government is completely corrupt.  We have a President that is the laughingstock of the world, a Congress whose members become millionaires overnight. And now the legal system that is supposed to deter criminals is being used by criminals to prosecute political opponents.  “We the People” are being subjected to the same type of abuses that brought on the Declaration of Independence.  We shall explore some of the areas where there appears to be corruption and abuse of authority.

The behavior of our government and its continual march towards communism was predicted over 80 years ago by George Orwell in “1984” and “Animal Farm.”  The graphics below are recommended reading if your school didn’t censor them for “Woke” reasons. If you graduated from high school after 1970, Amazon has audio versions, so you don’t need to be able to read.

Orwell Web
Orwell Website

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